Among its internal corporate events, the International Convention Embiez of the Pernod Ricard Group has a special dimension: it not only gathers every year the top managers of the world to share the Group’s strategy, best practices and action plans, but it also gathers participants at the Ile des Embiez, which has belonged to Pernod Ricard since 1958. The island is much more than a place; it is a communication asset for the Group that illustrates warmth, respect for the environment, and beauty. Cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 crisis, the Embiez 2021 edition generated strong expectations from participants and the Group’s communication service. The physical gathering being impossible given the constraints, AUDITOIRE and Pernod imagined and created a vastly new experience in four months: digitising the whole island, making it a living platform dedicated to Pernod Ricard. To bring the experience into a new dimension and embody the fundamental value of the Group, the convention opened for the first time to all 18,500 employees from 73 countries.


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